romper's debut album: "Sifting Through The Rubble"
has been named
One of the "Best Albums of 2013"
by NBTMusicRadio!
Now available for download,
has been named
One of the "Best Albums of 2013"
by NBTMusicRadio!
Now available for download,
The end of the world is here...
romper's very special guests on the album -
Wendy Flower (Wendy & Bonnie),
Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals)
and Laetitia Sadier (Stereolab)
Listen to Complete "Sifting Through The Rubble" Songs:
“Without exception, intriguing songs by someone who really has something to say. The stories translate the currently widely prevailing atmopshere of despondency and disenchantment. A marvelous debut from a gifted songwriter.”
"really strong songs"
(translation from Dutch)
The intro of the debut album "Sifting Through The Rubble' of 'Romper', the alter ego of singer-songwriter and producer Paul Freeman, consists of the sound of a ticking clock, symbol par excellence of the transience of life and the eternal 'reminder' that we all have but a limited period on this planet that will be able to spend.
Perhaps this is a record which needed years of preparation preceding it. Freeman, 40 years ago, had a record deal for the release of an indie rock album. Peppered with humor and wordplay he has finally brought Romper to life with the sixteen songs on "Sifting Through The Rubble." For the recording of the songs in the studio, he was very well assisted by other musicians.
For example, Wendy Flower of the duo 'Wendy & Bonnie' contributes vocal support on all tracks and sings in duet on "Be Seeing You". Also in the attached video, you can hear their vocal work on the melodious number, "Undertow".
Furthermore, singer Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, with the strong number "Invasion Of The Pod People," and the French singer Laetitia Sadier of the British post-rock band Stereolab, on "The Day The Clown Cried," provide the harmony vocals.
Other favorite tracks from this record are rock songs "Road To Ruin" and the Iggy Pop homage "The 99 ", the beautiful ballads "The Neighborhood" and "Little Ball or Hate", the funny reggae ditty "Contemplating Suicide" and the prophetic, post-apocalyptic "Last Man On Earth".
If the end of the world is perhaps not as near as is feared by many, then we can at least enjoy the songs on Romper’s "Sifting Through The Rubble” a little longer. I hope it will not take another 40 years for a successor to this disc to end up in our cd loader.
“In case the end of the world might not be as near as many people fear, then we can at least enjoy the songs on Romper’s album ‘Sifting Through The Rubble’. We get a mix of swinging rock songs and several great ballads on this result of many years hard labour by Romper’s alter ego Paul Freeman.”
Review by Mike Wood for Foxy Digitalis:
Romper’s new record manages to be political without being preachy. Bolstered in its indie-pop style by touches of garage rock and dark, Modern Lovers-esque disjointed melodies, “Sifting Through the Rubble” is a breezy but occasionally chunky tour of cowardice and surrender, personal and political. That isn’t to say that their insights are all that original: evil corporations, pod people, slaves hypnotized by media, etc…Yet the fact that some are willing to keep crying out in the cultural wilderness is comforting.
Comfort would turn to nausea if the music wasn’t good and the lyrics were preachy. Fortunately, Romper supply plenty of hooks, and lyrics that are jaundiced and darkly humorous rather than self-righteous. Message songs like “The 99,” “Corporation Nation” and “Sifting Through the Rubble” are propelled by tasty guitar lines and subtle but insistent grooves. Songs of a more personal apocalypse, like “Road to Ruin,” Little Ball of Hate” and “In the Neighborhood” are similarly rescued from bathos with humor and a strong rock ethic.
Bay Area’s Romper (predominately shepherded by guitarist/writer Paul Freeman) debut with a record that tells us that all is lost and most of us are too self-absorbed or stupid to know it. Right On! “Sifting Through the Rubble” is jaded, arch and, given the totality of its sense that we are all fucked, funny. Is it possible to love and hate your own demise? Romper offers clues.
Review by pop culture author/journalist Chris Epting:
"“Beautiful, ethereal and mysterious... this 18-song epic runs the sonic gamut from mood pieces to glam-era sparklers and sinewy roots rockers. There is a brooding undercurrent to be sure, but the startling and dynamic range of romper is a testament to what must be very deep pools of influence – psychedelia meets garage meets poetic folk meets metal meets grunge – and the sharp contrast of musical styles coupled with smart, evocative wordplay make for a thoroughly satisfying musical journey. There is a river’s rush of fresh, cool and strangely engaging music on this record – and it is well worth getting lost in its eddies.”
By Tim at
Indie bands blog
The best indie bands from around the world [British site]
"From San Francisco in the USA comes Romper – a space rock project by Paul Freeman (vocals / acoustic guitar) with additional support from Wendy Flower (harmonies), Adam Rossi (keyboards / harmony), Gawain Mathews (lead guitar), Ezra Lipp (drums / percussion), Paul Oguin (bass), Savannah Jo Lack (violin) and Joe Cohen (bari and tenor sax / clarinet) and of course Romper the character from The Planet Edenus around whom all this centres.
The debut LP was released in mid June - Sifting Through the Rubble - the title gives a clue as to the gravitational pull of the tracks, which focus on social inequalities current and the apocalyptic end of the world. But don’t let the tone of the lyric get you despondent, whilst thematically the music is in tune with the lyric, there is plenty on the 18 track release and just in general to concentrate the mind.
The musicians are used intelligently as the sounds wanders from space Bowie through Reed alternative to Morricone shoegaze each style subtly daubed in the paints of the instruments as the lyric holds centre stage to the carefully composed and orchestrated pieces. That isn’t to say that this is a major theatrical production, far from it, there is a genuine emotional anxiety which holds the core of the out-fit that is Romper."
**********************************"Romper - Sifting Through The Rubble (CD, Rompytown, Pop)
We were immediately drawn to this band and album...the image and overall concept caught our attention fast. Apocalyptic pop with various verbal and visual references to kids? Hmmm...interesting. Of course the name Romper is a huge plus as well. To try and describe the basic sound of Sifting Through The Rubble... Imagine mixing some elements from My Dad Is Dead with other elements from The Velvet Underground...then mix them around and add some sedatives...and you might begin to get an idea of what's going on here. This is a true underground album created first and foremost from inspiration. The man behind the music is a fellow in Pacifica, California named Paul Freemanwho is also a music journalist and screenwriter. This man's moody slightly obtuse pop will be embraced by fans of the underground...while probably confusing for folks who exist on a lower level of consciousness. There's a lot to take in here...eighteen tracks that clock in at just over 60 minutes. We can't help but dig peculiar songs like "Road To Ruin," "One of the Wanted," "The Neighborhood," and "Contemplating Suicide." Interesting stuff that offers a uniquelydifferent perspective..."
**************************************************" Sifting Through The Rubble is the debut album from Bay Area band Romper. Largely the project of singer/songwriter/screenwriter/music journalist Paul Freeman, the album takes a humorous look at the end of the world while playing hopscotch with genres along the way. Picking up pieces of indie rock, metal, jazz, and electro-pop, there’s enough experimentation to suggest just how capable Romper are as a newly formed band. They even snagged guest spots from Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals), Laetitia Sadier (Stereolab), and Wendy Flower (Wendy & Bonnie) to take part in what the band is referring to as an “a-pop-alyptic” debut...
Opening song “Road To Ruin” combines a ghostly organ with a jazz-fusion as Freeman offers up commentary as to what’s driving our society to an impending doomsday. His solution to turn things around? There isn’t one; we’re just doomed.
Sifting Through The Rubble isn’t without some political commentary. On “Corporation Nation”, Freeman points out the greed and despicable nature of corporate industry while lamenting America’s deteriorated morals. The song’s understated metal crunch gives the song a ballsy edge, but a suggestion of revolution would have made it a grander statement. After all, we have to stand up against those other pod people. “By the time you awaken / They would have taken / Your soul”, sings Freeman on “Invasion of the Pod People” that pays homage to the Body Snatcher movies with a grinding guitar riff and some sci-fi spook. While this song could be overlooked for its humor, it’s a political statement... on how we allow ourselves to become easily assimilated to any shitty situation imposed upon us until it’s just deemed normal.
The band keeps their riffs very understated, even though it sounds as if they could blast out the speakers. Their choice of restraint leads to a more mature sound, recalling the likes of classic rock bands like Bad Company and Blue Oyster Cult. Romper is a bit more experimental than those bands, and their songwriting is very witty at times with Paul Freeman even sounding like Stephin Merritt [Magnetic Fields] occasionally... Sifting Through The Rubble is an entertaining look at the end of the world whereas other bands would just use doom and gloom to depress its listeners."

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